Gambling Aware
Is it time to take control of your gambling problem?
Gambling Aware
What is Harmful Gambling
Anyone can experience harmful gambling and it can impact you and those around you.
Often described as a ‘hidden’ issue and difficult to spot. Our goal at Motiv8 is to support you and those around you through a range of free, confidential solutions.
Our services are available to people of all ages and we see people who gamble in many different ways and to varying levels.

Is your gambling a problem?
These are some of the warning signs that you or someone you care about is starting to lose control:
- Uncontrolled spending
- Stealing from others to fund gambling
- Significant amounts of time spent gambling
- Concealing or lying about gambling behaviour
- Gambling impacting on relationships with family and friends
- Withdrawal from family activities
- Spending excessive amounts of time on a computer
- No apparent interest or leisure pursuits
- Absence from school, college or work
- Are gambling and its consequences getting in the way of the life you want to live?
If identify any of these warning signs you or someone you care about may be developing a problem. Arrange a confidential appointment to talk about this with an experienced counsellor.
You may be asking how we can help.
Do you offer support for people worried about someone else’s gambling?
Yes. The IOM Gambling Service also provides support for anyone concerned about someone else’s gambling and we can offer practical support with how to address the situation and these concerns.
Gambling, and the loss of trust it often brings, can put an enormous strain on any relationship. Many people find themselves unable to explain why someone close to them continues to gamble despite the problems it causes them and those around them. Talking to a IOM Gambling Service counsellor can help to not only understand gambling but to receive support for yourself, allowing you to express the concerns that you have.
Do I have to stop gambling if I come and see someone?
No, we provide individual support based on you setting your own goals, whether that is to stop, cut down or control your gambling.
Does it matter what type of gambling I do?
No, we see people who gamble in many different ways and to varying levels.
Do you see people under the age of 18?
Yes. We see people of all ages if they are worried about their own, or someone else’s gambling, or if they want further information regarding problem gambling.
Whats next?
Steps towards change
Many people find themselves unable to explain why they continue to gamble. Understanding the role gambling plays in your life can be the first step in making changes to reduce the harm it causes. It is unlikely that there will be a single answer, and you may need a combination of strategies to make lasting changes but those who succeed are most often the ones who have support from others.

Help for someone else
For loved ones
Worried about someone else’s gambling? We can help you, too. Gambling, and the loss of trust it often brings, can put an enormous strain on any relationship. Talking to a Motiv8 counsellor can help to not only understand gambling but to receive support for yourself, allowing you to express the concerns that you have, whilst considering practical solutions that address the situation and your concerns.
Whether your goal is to stop, cut down or control your gambling, we offer a range of services that can help you take your life back. These include:
- One-on-one sessions with a trained counsellor
- A range of group work programmes
- Psychological services
- SMART recovery (mutual aid group work programme) that runs every Wednesday, 5.30-6.30pm.
Don’t let gambling get in the way of the life you want to live.