Alcohol Aware
Time to change your relationship with alcohol?
Alcohol Aware
We can help you rethink your relationship with alcohol.
Motiv8 provides free, safe, confidential, and non-judgemental counselling and support services for anyone struggling with alcohol use. And because it impacts everyone, help is also available to friends and family.

Goal setting
We understand that everyone will have a different goal, our aim is for us to help you fulfil that goal and to reduce the harm to you and your loved ones.
We achieve this through:
- Confidential one-on-one counselling
- Psychological assessment
- Group work programmes
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- Smart Recovery
- Well-being groups
- Detox – (We can also offer ongoing referral to the Drug and Alcohol Team for detoxification from alcohol and other medical prescribing)
It’s not as “black and white” as you might think…
You don’t have to be someone who drinks 24/7 to have a problem with alcohol. Most people who turn to us have families, jobs, and responsibilities and for whatever reasons, drinking has reached levels which may be causing them (or others) some harm. Our goal is always to encourage people to contact us at ANY stage as research suggests that the earlier a person addresses their drinking the greater the chance of success.

Alcohol Aware
Do you have a problem with alcohol?
- Have you had episodes of drinking to excess regularly and consuming more than the recommended safe number of units?
- Have any of your relatives, family or friends ever commented or complained about your drinking?
- Do you feel that your drinking may be affecting your physical health or psychological well-being?
- Is it a struggle to stop after the first couple of drinks?
- Have you ever tried to stop drinking completely and been unable to?
- Have you ever suffered from blackouts? (unable to remember what happened whilst you were drinking).
- Has your drinking caused you to have financial, legal, social or medical problems?
- Have you missed days of work through your drinking or got into difficulties at work?
- Have you failed to attend to some of your responsibilities at home, with your family or children because of your drinking?
- Have you used alcohol to help you cope with life issues or events?
- Has drinking become more important than other parts of your life?
Answering “yes” to any of these questions means you may be developing a problem. Arrange a confidential appointment to talk about your drinking with an experienced counsellor.
The benefits of reducing alcohol consumption
Did you know that alcohol is related to over 60 diseases and illnesses? It is also one of the most well-established causes of certain cancers, including breast, oral, colon, and liver cancer. Keeping your alcohol consumption within recommended safe limits can significantly reduce the risk of developing a variety of health issues such as high blood pressure, heart disease, strokes, diabetes, and sleep problems. Alcohol misuse can also contribute to anxiety, stress, depression, weight problems, stomach upsets, poor concentration, memory problems, headaches, nerve damage, accidents, injuries, overdose, and sexual difficulties, among many other complications.
The UK Chief Medical Officer recommends we drink no more than 14 units in a week to reduce our risk of harm from alcohol which should be spread over 3 or more occasions.
Ready to talk to someone about your relationship with alcohol?