Drug Aware
Want to change your relationship with drugs?
Drug Aware
We get it - reaching out when you’re struggling with substance use is not easy in a small Island community like ours.
It’s especially tough when the substance is illegal. Whether you want to stop using drugs, reduce your drug usage or help someone close to you who is struggling.
Our counsellors are trained and can offer you the free and confidential support you need to reach your goal, all without judgment. If you are unsure and want to talk this through with someone in confidence we are here to help. We also provide leaflets on many areas of drug use so please contact us if you would like to get copies.
Ready to take the first step?

Drug Aware
Are drugs becoming a problem for you?
If you can answer “yes” to any of these questions, it may be a good idea to discuss your drug usage with one of our counsellors:
- Have you used drugs other than those required for medical reasons?
- Have you ever abused prescription drugs?
- Do you use more than one drug at a time?
- Can you get through a week without using drugs?
- Are you always able to stop using drugs when you want to?
- Do you ever feel bad or guilty about your drug use?
- Does your spouse (or parents) ever complain about your involvement with drugs?
- Has drug use created problems between you and your spouse or your parents?
- Have you lost friends because of your use of drugs?
- Have you neglected your family because of your use of drugs?
- Have you been in trouble at work because of drug abuse?
- Have you lost a job because of drug use?
- Have you engaged in illegal activities in order to obtain drugs?
- Have you been arrested for possession of illegal drugs?
- Have you ever experienced withdrawal symptoms (felt ill) when you stopped taking drugs?
- Have you ever had any medical problems as a result of your drug use?
Answering “yes” to any of these questions means you may be developing a problem. Arrange a confidential appointment to talk about your drug use with an experienced counsellor.
Criminal justice projects
The Islands Drug Arrest Referral Scheme and the Alcohol Intervention Referral Scheme run in partnership with the Isle of Man Constabulary.
The Drug Arrest Referral Scheme (DARS) offers preventative education, harm reduction, and a route to support without unnecessary criminalisation. This may happen when a person is caught in possession of a small personal amount of an illicit substance. They are offered the opportunity to attend Motiv8 and have support from a trained worker by experience.
Alcohol Intervention Referral Scheme (AIRS) is a group work programme run in conjunction with the Police Alcohol Unit. A person arrested for the first time for a low-level alcohol-related offence is offered the opportunity to attend an education session run by Motiv8.

Criminal justice projects
What to know about the projects we run...
I have been referred to DARS what happens now?
The DARS session itself is a one-off session, whereby the participant has 72 hours after arrest to contact Motiv8. Sessions are booked as soon as the paperwork is received from the Isle of Man Constabulary. It is rare for anyone to wait longer than a week after the documentation is received for the session to take place.
The session is therapeutic, understanding the substance use of the participant, the nature of the arrest, a health screen and drug use screen. Education on the substance and harm reduction literature is also made available. The opportunity to engage in services if desired with an opportunity to take advantage of all of Motiv8’s services is possible.
The participants overwhelmingly value talking to someone who has a lived experience of drug use. The comments from participants over the years in the evaluations speak highly of the opportunity to be offered support, rather than be penalised through the criminal justice systems and particularly the courts. This scheme stops wrecking lives and gives people a chance to divert them away from drugs and the criminal justice system.
If you have any questions about the DARS call us today.
I have been referred to AIRS what happens now?
The AIRS session itself is a group education session ran by motiv8 in conjunction with the IOM Constabulary. Participants are referred to the scheme by the police. The session is offered as an initial alternative to the criminal justice system for first time low-level alcohol offences. Comments from pervious participants has said that they appreciate the offer of education rather than being penalised through the criminal justice system. If you have any questions about the AIRS scheme, please call us today on freephone 0808 1624 627.